Welcome to Wansdyke
Project 21, a unique web-based study which
focuses on the enigmatic, least-known Dark Ages
earthwork, known as Wansdyke. Edited by Robert M. Vermaat,
it features narrative histories, original source
documents and important texts, extensive
bibliographies, reading lists, informative
articles by guest writers, maps, polls and more.
Wansdyke Project 21 is part of Vortigern Studies,
which has the internet's most comprehensive
treatment of Britain's history from the end of
the Roman era to Arthurian times. |
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.Wansdyke Project 21
is part of
Vortigern Studies

other Roman and Dark Ages Earthworks in Britain and

Vortigern l Dark Ages l Wansdyke l Sources l Arthur l Archaeology l Re-enactment
Wansdyke - Adam's Grave,
AD 592 & AD 715
This webpage by The Ravens Warband has 3 nice
pictures (one spread) and a quote from the Anglo-Saxon
Chronicle about two battles fought out on or next
to Wansdyke.
Wansdyke - Anglo-Saxon
The earliest Anglo-Saxon evidence of Wansdyke
lies hidden in the early royal charters,
preserved and made accessible for us by the
British Academy/Royal Historical Society Joint
Committee on Anglo-Saxon Charters.
Wansdyke - the
Archaeology of Offa's and Wat's Dykes
A good article by Keith Matthews.
Wansdyke - Dobunni to
Part of a series by Jean Manco about the history
of Bath, this excellent article has Wansdyke
figuring as a post-Roman, Brittonic defensive
- Lacus Curtius
This webpage, from the immense site run by Bill
Thayer, reproduces chapter 10 of Roman Roads in Britain by
Thomas Codrington published by the Society for
Promoting Christian Knowledge London, 1903.
Wansdyke figures quite prominently here, in a
description of the Roman Road.
- A Millenial Quest for Arthur
In January 2001 two undergraduate students left
for a month-long research trip across Britain,
thus creating this outstanding site for people
who wish to learn more about those places
associated with King Arthur and the legends
attached to them. Wansdyke was but one of the
many spots they visited.
Wansdyke Panoramic Tour
A brilliant virtual tour along East Wansdyke by
Pete and Alison Glastonbury. this tour consists
of a series of breathtaking revolving panoramas!
Wansdyke - Tan Hill to
Knap Hill
A fantastic walk by Adrian Goodall along the top
of the Marlborough downs, from West Woods to Tan
Hill and beyond. A page from the All Cannings
site, with nice pictures.
Wansdyke - Watford Gap to
A very nice
site, one of the very few to mention Wansdyke. David
"Strum" Craig visits Wansdyke along his
journey from Watford Gap to Camelot.
Wansdyke - Woden
A very nice page about the background of the name
'Woden', by the 'Anglo-Saxon Heathenism' website.
Abbot's Dyke,
CPAT record of this shoert, unknown earthwork
called black dyke' or 'abbot's dyke'', first
recorded in 1185. Stretches for c 1km. Associated
with lands of Strata Marcella abbey.
The Antonine Way
A great guide to this Roman earthwork. Very good
The Antonine Wall
The Antonine Wall, begun in AD 142 during the
reign of the Roman emperor Antoninus Pius,
consisted of a turf rampart set on a stone
foundation stretching 37 miles across central
Scotland. Article by Athena review.
Bar Dyke,
Two pictures of this unknon earthwork west of
Sheffield on the Modern Antiquarian website.
Bican Dic/The Bitches'
A picture by Pete Glastonbury of Bican Ditch or
the Bitches' Dyke, running south from Liddington
Castle to Ogbourne St George or possibly even to
Mildenhall (Wilts).
Black Pig's Dyke, N.
This wall to defend Ulster may date back to the
time of the Emperor Domitian. Described on maps
as the Dane's Cast, the wall is also known as the
Dorsey, the Worm Ditch or as the Black Pig's Dyke.
BBC page.
Black Pig's Dyke, N.
Excavation information of the Black Pig's Dyke/Worm
Ditch linear earthwork.
Bokerley Dyke,
Some pictures and field notes from the Modern Antiquarian website.
Car Dyke, Lincolnshire
Car Dyke,
not a defensive earthwork (possibly either a
catch-water drain to stop flooding of the fens or
a Roman Imperial estate boundary), was one of the
greatest engineering feats carried out by the
engineers of the mighty Roman Empire which ruled
Britain for almost 400 years from 43 AD to 410 AD.
Car Dyke, Lincs.
Car Dyke,
reports of research and excavations.
Devil's Ditch, Cambs.,
A very nice page about walking and nature, also a
good picture,
Devil's Dyke Restauration
The Devil's Dyke Restoration Project was set up
in 2002 to restore the site to its former glory
and establish a sustainable management regime
along the dyke.
Devil's Dyke near Burwell,
A page with 9 very nice pictures from John Bill's
delightful photo albums.
Devil's Dyke (or Ditch),
Two nice pictures of the dyke, from Burwell,
Devil's Dyke, Hertfordshire,
From a good page about the history of
Devil's Dyke, Herts.,
A link page with 6 photo's (only 2 and 3 show the earthwork near
- Devil's Dyke, Herts.,
A short description from Hertfordshire's
mystrious sites, of the Mysterious Britain
Fleam Dyke and Devil's
Ditch, Cambs. 
From Samuel Lewis's Topographical Gazetteer -
Fleam Dyke and Devil's
Ditch, Cambs.
From Dr Sam Newton's Wuffings' Website: The
Defences of the Wuffing Kingdom with several nice
maps and pictures.
Fleam Dyke, Cambs.
From a nice site about Wandlebury.
Grey Ditch, Bradwell,
Derbyshire (SK173816) 
Broken link,
page probably gone, though they forgot a single
Grims Ditch, Oxon.
A note in the article Frontier Territory
along the Thames by George Limbrick, from
Britarch vol. 33, 1998.
Hadrian's Wall Path
National Trail
In May 2003 the famed landscape of Hadrian's Wall
World Heritage Site took another step forward in
its long and eminent history. As it celebrates
its first anniversary as a walking destination,
Hadrian's Wall Path, England's newest National
Trail, today's legions of walkers experience a
rather more peaceful countryside than that of our
Hadrian's Wall Country
Hadrian's Wall Country is a rich and varied
corridor featuring some of Britain's most
unforgettable scenery and a diverse range of
ancient and modern attractions stretching from
the east coast to the west coast and ten miles
north and south of the Wall.
Offa's Dyke and the Offa's
Dyke Initiative
English Heritage and Cadw: Welsh Historic
Monuments have jointly funded the new 'Offa's
Dyke Initiative'. This project aims to
investigate, promote and conserve this
extraordinary survival from our distant past, and
in the process to rediscover a part of British
heritage which is every bit as important as
better known archaeological sites like Stonehenge
or Hadrian's Wall.
Offa's Dyke 
A very
interesting page from the very good 'Castles of
Wales' website.
Offa's Dyke 
A nice page
from the 'Wales Calling' website.
Offa's Dyke Association
This is an independent voluntary organisation
that provides information and other services to
walkers. We seek to promote and protect the 1200-year-old
Offa's Dyke and the Offa's Dyke Path, a National
Trail 177 miles long. It manages the Offa's Dyke
Centre at Knighton and encourages archaeological
and historical research relating to Offa's Dyke
and the corridor along its length.
Offa's Dyke Path
A good website about Offa's Dyke
and the long-distance path, which will tell you
anything about how to plan a trip or a longer
period of travelling along this unique monument.
Offa's Dyke Path
A diary by Phil Andrews with some nice pictures
about a walk on Offa's Dyke Path from North to
Offa's Dyke Path
A diary with many pictures about a walk on Offa's
Dyke Path from North to South (but sadly
Offa's Dyke Path: A Walk
Through History
An account
of the trail in Wales and England, starting in
Chepstow on the Severn Estuary and ending in
Prestatyn on the Irish Sea, as walked in July
1997 by Walter Trimble.
Offa's Dyke Path: Hiking
Wales's Mystery Path
A nice
website about travelling Offa's Dyke Path, with
nice pictures and inviting text.
Offa's Dyke - Clwyd-Powys
Archaeological Trust
A short page
on the history of Offa's Dyke.
Wat's Dyke
A site about Wat's Dyke, with not too much
Wat's Dyke: a New dating
This very good article by Keith Nurse pays
attention to the history of Wat's Dyke and its
new date, which brings its moment of construction
down to the mid-5th Century, close to that of
Wat's Dyke, Pen y Bryn,
St Martin's, Shropshire
Short article about the excavation a spot of Wat's
Dyke where a piopeline was built through the
